Friday, 2 June 2017

చెప్పేది ఏమిటో, చెప్పెయ్యి సూటిగా - సుత్తి లేకుండా!

ఎందుకు పుట్టామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు తింటున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు పెరుగుతున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు మాట్లాడుతున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు నడుస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు పోట్లాడుతున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు చదువుతున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు ఉద్యోగాలు చేస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు విసుక్కుంటున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు సంపాదిస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు కొంటున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు అమ్ముతున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు దాస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు ఖర్చు చేస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు మిగుల్చుతున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు స్నేహం చేస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు వైరం చూపిస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు శాంతంగా ఉండలేకపోతున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు ప్రేమిస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు పెళ్ళి చేసుకుంటున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు విడిపోతున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు మనం రచనలు చేస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు చదివి మెచ్చుకుంటున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు ఇతర్ల కెర్తికి కుళ్ళుతున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు పోలింగ్ బూతుల్లో ఓటేస్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు మంత్రులుగా చట్టసభల్లోకి వెళ్తున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు ఎన్నికల్లో ఓడిపోతున్నామో తెలియదు!

ఎందుకు బతికున్నామో తెలియదు!
ఎందుకు చచ్చిపోతున్నామో తెలియదు!
మరి, తెలిసింది ఏమిటి?


  1. Hari baabu, Pls accept my friend request in FB.

    1. I could bot find your request in my facebook friend request list!

    2. Could you pls send request to SriRam UG

  2. Dr. Ambedkar to Rt. Hon’ble Mr. A. V. Alexander, Member, Cabinet Mission
    Dated, 14th May 1946

    Dear Mr. Alexander,

    "Many Britishers think that India was conquered by the Clives, Hastings, Cootes and so on. Nothing can be a greater mistake.India was conquered by an army of Indians and the Indians who formed the army were all Untouchables.British Rule in India would have been impossible if the Untouchables had not helped the British to conquer India. Take the Battle of Plassey

    which laid the beginning of British Rule or the battle of Kirkee which completed the conquest of India. In both these fateful battles the soldiers who fought for the British were all Untouchables"

    What have the British done to these Untouchables who fought for them ? It is a shameful story. The first thing they did was to stop their recruitment in the army. A more unkind, more ungrateful and more cruel act can hardly be found in history. In shutting out the Untouchables from the Army the British took no note that the Untouchables had helped them to establish their rule and had defended it when it was menaced by a powerful combination of native forces in the Mutiny of 1857. Without any consideration as to its effects upon the Untouchables the British by one stroke of the pen deprived them of their source of livelihood and let them fall to their original depth of degradation. Did the British help them in any way to overcome their social disabilities ? The answer again must be in the negative. The schools, wells and public places were closed to the Untouchables. It was the duty of the British to see the Untouchables, as citizens, were entitled to be admitted to all institutions maintained out of public funds. But the British did nothing of the kind and what is worst, they justified their inaction by saying that untouchability was not their creation. It may be that untouchability was not the creation of the British. But as Government of the day, surely the removal of untouchability was their responsibility. No Government with any sense of the functions and duties of a Government could have avoided it What did the British Government do ? They refused to touch any question which involved any kind of reform of Hindu society.

    Indeed if the British Rule has achieved anything in India it is to strengthen and reinvigorate Brahmanism which is the inveterate enemy of the Untouchables and which is the parent of all the ills from which the Untouchables have been suffering for ages.

    - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

    The letter is reproduced in Dr babasaheb ambedkar writings and speeches volume 10, pp 492-499

  3. Ambedkar and his patrons were dealt a humiliating blow by the elections of 1937. There were a total of 1,585 seats in the 11 assemblies in 'British India'. Of these 777 were 'tied'-- in the sense that they were to be filled by communal or special representation from Chambers of Commerce, plantations, labour etc. Of the 808 'general' seats, the Congress, which Ambedkar, Jinnah and others denounced from the house tops, won 456. It secured absolute majorities in 5 assemblies -- those of Madras, United Provinces, Central Provinces, Bihar and Orissa. And was the largest single party in 4 others-- Bombay, Bengal, Assam and the NWFP

    Though this is Ambedkar central thesis, he gives reasons upon reasons to explain why he and his kind have lost and why the Congress has won! One of the reasons he says is that the people in general believe that the Congress is fighting for the freedom of the country.

    This fight for freedom, Ambedkar says, "has been carried on mostly by Hindus." It is only once that the Mussalmans took part in it and that was during the short-lived Khilafat agitation. They soon got out of it, he says. The other communities, particularly the untouchables, never took part in it.

  4. Ever since its beginning, organized dalit politics under the leadership of Dr B. R. Ambedkar had been consistently moving away from the Indian National Congress and the Gandhian politics of integration. It was drifting towards an assertion of separate political identity of its own, which in the end was enshrined formally in the new constitution of the All India Scheduled Caste Federation, established in 1942. A textual discursive representation of this sense of alienation may be found in Ambedkar's book, What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables, published in 1945. Yet, within two years, in July 1947, we find Ambedkar accepting Congress nomination for a seat in the Constituent Assembly. A few months later he was inducted into the first Nehru Cabinet of free India, ostensibly on the basis of a recommendation from Gandhi himself. In January 1950, speaking at a general public meeting in Bombay, organized by the All India Scheduled Castes Federation, he advised the dalits to co-operate with the Congress and to think of their country first, before considering their sectarian interests.

    Transfer of Power and the Crisis of Dalit Politics in India


సందర్శకులకి నమస్కారం.
అందరూ వ్యాఖ్యల్ని నమోదు చేయవచ్చు,ఏ విషయానికి సంబంధించి అయినా మంచి సమాచారం అందించే వ్యాఖ్యల్ని నిరభ్యంతరంగా నమోదు చేయవచ్చు. మోడరేషన్ ఉంది, భాష సభ్యతాయుతంగా ఉంటే విషయం ఎలా ఉన్నా అభ్యంతరం లేదు.మీ మంచి వ్యాఖ్యలతో మంచి టపాలు వేసే విధంగా ప్రోత్సహిస్తారని ఆశిస్తున్నాను.మీరు నానుంచి వివరణ ఆశిస్తే వీలయినంత ముందుగానే అడగండి.కొత్త పోష్టు వెయ్యగానే పాతవి ఆగ్రిగేటరు నుంచి పోతాయి గదా!

Chiru Dreams అను ఒక ట్రోలింగును పాండిత్యం అని నమ్మిస్తున్న గీండితుడి విషాదకరమైన అదృశ్యానికి కారణం ఏమిటి?

 కొరివిని ముద్దు పెట్టుకున్నట్టు నన్ను ఎక్కువ కెలికాడు.వాదనల్లో నేను చాణక్యుడి యుధ్ధనీతిని పాటిస్తాను.చాలామంది మిత్రులే ఇంతకుకుందు చెప్పినప్...